Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Latest Elizabeth update

Elizabeth and I went to the General hospital in Newcastle on Monday. This was an adventure as we have never darkened the doors of the General before and it took me 25 minutes to find a place to park. However, despite the best efforts of the hospital planners, we made it to the clinic on time and in one piece to be told that Elizabeth almost certainly has an allergy to egg. Bloods were taken to be tested and and we are to avoid anything eggy for now - I will see a dietician to be trained in this.

She does NOT have a milk protein intolerance. Now a normal mother's reaction would be "Yippee" but I am actually a little disappointed. For the sake of our sanity it would have been great to have a solution as to why Elizabeth got so seriously ill so often last year and then we would know how to stop it happening ever again. However, Elizabeth has been well for quite some time with the help of the antibiotics she takes every couple of days, so we are slowly learning to stop worrying despite the ongoing mystery...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys....

Good to be able to keep up to speed and Anna out here in China.

Love Tall-Paul x

Give a hug to Ella for me.