Sunday, January 14, 2007


We had a visit to the RVI today, but not for the usual reason!

We had friends to dinner last night and I bought three very yummy 'Gu' chocolate mousses for dessert - one for Andy, one for Al and one for Vicky. Saint J ohad fruit salad. Owing to the incredible willpower of Vicky, one mousse was left over and this morning I decided to give it to Elizabeth just before we left for Sunday lunch at my mum's. WHAT A HUGE MISTAKE! Elizabeth said "Yum" and then things went raidly downhill with coughing...swelling...dreadful rash...vomiting...dash to Hexham hospital...Piriton...less rash....less swelling...ambulance to RVI.

We were really taken to the RVI because of Elizabeth's complicated history rather than her level of illness and we were finally sent home at tea time. Elizabeth and Chloe had enjoyed a lovely play in the Ward 5 playroom and Chloe read much of her book on Florence Nightingale (this term's big homework topic). Elizabeth is now to be referred to the RVI alergies consultant. It looks like an egg allergy, but they want to check for any others as she is still a vulnerable little thing.

This was not the lovely, quiet Sunday we were looking forward to (particularly A who overdid the single malt last night, bless him!), but at least we know about the egg allergy now and it's great that the consultant will check for any other problems.


1 comment:

Claire and Fran said... poor things. Anna is obviously taking the slimathon very seriously and supporting you by reacting badly to all off-piste food.

Having eaten a GU mousse last night (ok...Fran and I might also have had one each the night before but it was buy 2 get 1 free so the 3rd one doesn't count), I can empathise with Anna feeling sick afterwards.

I hope they get to the bottom of it soon.

Much love
