Friday, December 29, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I thought you might enjoy this festive shot of an infamous pirate, cuddling Elizabeth. I was hoping to share lots of cute photos of the girls and their cousins but all of the shots we took on the day were very poor (I blame the drink).
We had a wonderful Christmas Day at my mum and dad's, which went downhill from Dr Who onwards as Elizabeth started being sick. Over the next couple of days Elizabeth was followed by everyone else as we'd all caught the very aptly named Winter Vomiting Sickness (with the notable exception of my little niece, Georgie, who must have the constitiution of an ox).
Elizabeth also developed a severe ear infection and has been really bashed about, but has had NO RVI ADMISSIONS! We have had to reorganise a visit from my sister's family which is a great shame.
We are stating to get back on track and today (29th) we are moving towards normal. A and Chloe felt well enough to venture out and have gone to see The Snowman with a live orchestral soundtrack at The Sage. Elizabeth and I have stayed at home and recuperated.
I hope that you all enjoyed a healthy and fun Christmas.

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