Thursday, December 07, 2006

Elizabeth meets Dr Sturgiss VIP

Elizabeth and I went to see a very important man today - Steve Sturgiss, who was our consultant in foetal meds and carried out my c-section. We couldn't go in to the unit while Elizabeth had MRSA but we have called in a couple of times since without any luck. I feel very thrilled to have seen him as he treated us wonderfully well during the pregnancy, but I never got to say goodbye (as I was pretty off my face on morphine!).

Dr Sturgiss was grinning from ear to ear when he saw Elizabeth and thought that she looked fantastic. The last time he saw her in the flesh, she was literally minutes old. I took in a sheet of some photos showing Elizabeth's development (nothing too gory) and a short summary of her history, which is going to be shown to anybody expecting a child with a large exomph. I didn't get to see our lovely midwife-stenographer, Donna, but Dr Sturgiss promised that the whole team would be getting to see the shots including that wonderful woman.

Elizabeth has been well for nine and a half weeks now!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure your doc was delighted to see Anna's progress as she has come such a long way bless. Looking forward to seeing you both next week.


P.s. Can I officially ask for more pics please!!