Friday, September 29, 2006

Here we go again...

A belated entry... Anna was taken into hospital again on Wednesday night. The usual trouble - a runny head cold rapidly whizzed down to her chest as a nasty infection, meaning she needed oxygen, nebuliser, strong antibiotics and to be monitored very carefully. She was very poorly yesterday (Thursday) but looked a lot better today. We're hoping she'll be able to come home tomorrow or Sunday latest.

Ella and Anna are really good friends and playmates now so Ella's been very sad about being away from her little sis, as well as missing Janie who's staying at the hospital. Whatever happens we're visiting tomorrow though.

And it was all going so well... !

Anyway, we've been told to expect this kind of thing for the next couple of years, so I guess we'll just have to get used to it.

On a happier note, happy birthday to my lovely big sis Alison!!



Claire and Fran said...

Get well soon, Anna. Your other little friend, Seth, is routing for you and sends lots of love.


Anonymous said...

Living on an emotional roller-coaster is never easy, and twice as hard when it involves someone as special as Anna.

I wonder sometimes whether the fact that eveyone thinks you, Andy,and Janie are so fantastic in the way that you've coped so far might make you feel you have to keep it up!

You do know, don't you, that if it sometimes gets a bit much and you want to have a moan, there are loads of people here to listen and understand - and give you a leg up again?

Love as always,


Janie said...

Thanks, as always, for the love and support Sue - it really does help us.
