Monday, March 06, 2006

More Health professionals

We had a nice time celebrating my mum's 69th this weekend. Lunch at The Dyvels in Corbridge (Ted Parkinson's review, "The best Sunday lunch I've had out for years.") followed by a birthday tea with Ed, Ruby and Ted.

On the subject of Elizabeth, she has expanded her roster of health professionals even further and in the past week we have seen the physio; the speech therapist; the dietician and and, last but not least, the gastro consultant. Elizabeth isn't really putting on weight which is why the NHS has sprung into action.

Lovely Dr Bunn confirmed what we have suspected for ages which is that Elizabeth has a very small tummy. It's great to have that confirmed rather than it being just my pet theory! Dr Bunn's experience of exomph babies is that they are "little and often" eaters as a result of anatomical differences.

I popped into foetal medicine today to introduce Elizabeth to Dr Sturgis and Donna who were both wonderful prior to her birth. Sadly neither of them were around, but it was quite emotional going back there with my lovely girl. The last time I was there the future was looking very uncertain.


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