Sunday, March 12, 2006

Absentee Parent

Well, we girls survived the weekend without A who was in Derby getting his ying and his yang aligned. Despite the challenging weather, we had fun visiting Chris, Ben and Aimee yesterday and going out for lunch today. Chloe's catching up on "What? Why? Where?" with a vengeance and today's challenge was explaining the different theories on how stars were created. I think I did an even worse job than last week when we talked about who the first man and woman on Earth may have been. I'm sure Chloe would much rather have a mother who replied, "Adam and Eve, darling", but that would be far too simple!

Chloe had her first stroke of a guinea pig at Aimee's house, but amazingly there have been no demands for small, furry animals as her pets. When WILL she learn the power of the pester?!

A has come back much refreshed and ready to take on the world, so mission accomplished.


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