Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well, we scooted down to Hartlepool yesterday to see Marg and Trev. We were sorry not to stay for the party (I do love a good party!), but it was a very sensible decision as Elizabeth did not settle in the evening. We did however try her purely on breast milk last night and she slept wonderfully well and is very happy today. So, it looks like formula milk is the culprit as opposed to solids. Hopefully, we will all get a bit more rest now.

Happy New Year to all of you. We drank a bottle of champagne, watched a great film and cuddled our youngest daughter, so it was a good evening.

As you can see from the shot of Elizabeth, she found her first New Year's Eve very thrilling. That's A's hairy chest in the shot not mine, by the way!


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