Thursday, January 05, 2006

A finally succumbs

It's taken me nearly a week but I've finally managed to infect A with this very nasty bug. He is having to stay off work which is the last thing he needs, frankly.

I have added a new level of disgustingness to the tummy upset with revolting 'eggy' burps and, for some unknown reason, very red eyes. What a gorgeous creature I am!

Luckily, Chloe and Elizabeth seem really well again and Chloe's school reopens today so we have just the one child to cope with until 3pm.

Yours in despair,



Anonymous said...

that lurgi sounds disgusting. more details & photos of the afflicted please. scratch & sniff possible?

it could be worse - you could be having a third "little angel"! or be shacked up with Barrymore.

hope you both recover soon

Howie x

Anonymous said...

It's amazing really that you've gone so long without physical illness in view of the stressful year you've just had. It does sound horrible.

Have you tried 7 Seas Vitamin and Mineral Tonic? It's the 'old-fashioned' kind, full of good stuff and is an excellent pick-me-up.

Hope the rest of 2006 brings nothing but joy for all of you.


Sue x