Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Elizabeth's progress

Well, this morning Elizabeth seems to be almost back to her old self (minus the bump, of course!).

She has been very subdued over the past few days and in need of constant cuddles. This morning she is full of fun and smiles and that's without any pain relief of any kind so far today.

Elizabeth spent a couple of days exploring her tummy, trying to find her bump. but seems to have given up hope of finding it now!



Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

Great news! Sorry we're a little late in congratulating you, it's been a while since we checked the blog. The pictures of Anna's progress are just amazing and a real inspiration. We're so happy for you all. Have a wonderful christmas and accept all offers of help/rest/holiday/food/wine/chocolate/cake/pudding... Lots of love from the Greenwood clan XXXX

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr French & family,

Hello! Saw Stuart today who mentioned your blog - he had kept me posted about how things were going for you, but I've now read all about it for myself...

Just thought I'd say congratulations, and hope things continue to improve for Anna and you all.
