Sunday, October 09, 2005

Keep on keeping on

We had an emotional week as one of our friends from GEEPS (parents' support group on the Net) lost her newborn son this week. We appreciate more than ever how lucky we have been.


Anna is continuing to do well. She is off the oxygen almost all day now - we just pop her back on for an hour or so around midday. On Friday, Juliet (our lovely community nurse) will come and check she's okay late afternoon and, if so, we will get the go ahead to leave the O2 off all day every day. We'll then tackle the nights, which involves having a probe attached (painlessly!) to Anna which sets off an alarm if her O2 saturation levels fall below a certain point.

Her feeds are not going quite so well and she put on a meager 2ozs in weight this week. She is still breastfeeding every two hours and very unimpressed by solids and bottle feeds. The health visitors say that sometimes babies who have been on O2 have very sensitive mouths, but hopefully she'll take to solids soon as the feeding is a bit tiring.

We are also trying to find something to take the sting out of her sore cheeks. They get irritated by her O2 tubes. We have tried Sudocrem, E45, Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream, coconut cream and Oil of Olay, but nothing seems to work. We have just received a tube of Aloe Vera gel from Andy's mum and dad, so we will give that a go over the next few days, but any suggestions are gratefully received!



Anonymous said...

Hello Andy,Janie,Ella & Anna
I keep checking on how you are all doing and updating all the girls in the office on your if you occasionally catch an inexplicable burst of goodwill with a slightly Essex flavour (Stella)our positive Kharma is finding its target!
Mel , Nev (+ all the girls at work)

Anonymous said...

Hello, lovelies. Just got back from a week away (in Crete, lucky me) and read the latest update. Very sad to hear about your GEEPS friends' baby: I know they'll have really valued all the support and encouragement you gave them.

Anna's sore cheeks must be a bloomin' nuisance to her (and you!). Have you tried asking in your health food/alternative pharmacist (if you have one in Hexham)? I seem to recall successfully using calendula cream and/or Hypercal on a stubbornly-sore baby bum at some point. Worth a go if the Aloe Vera doesn't work?

Lots of love & hugs