Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Developments with Anna


Anna has had a couple of hiccups over the last few weeks and managed to develop an allergy to her antibiotics which resulted in a dreadful rash and a meningitis scare for her mother!

However, the result of all this is good as Mike Mckeen (respiratory consultant at the RVI) has decided that the 'wait and see' period is over and on August 4th she is having a whole battery of tests. Anna is getting the RVI deluxe package of sweat test; blood tests; camera down lungs; camera down tum and overnight PH probe. Luckily all the nasty stuff will be done under a general anesthetic. Our favorite person Mr Jaffray will do one of the procedures and I feel very positive that things are moving forwards. If nothing is found on the 4th then at the very least we will be given a plan to keep Anna as well as possible over the winter (sorry to mention winter!).

So other than that life trugs along. We're managing to enjoy some days out whilst staying close to home and also hoping to visit Andy's parents near Dundee next month.


PS: Ella knows how to ride a bike without stabilisers! She managed it in about 20 minutes and now looks like an old pro as she whizzes around the garden.